Friday, April 18, 2008

I created my first photo album

I finally had some time to setup my photo album.
it is a long time I decided to put my pictures on Webshots and today I finally create 2 albums.
The first one shows some picture I took flying from Munich to Montreal wher I attended a famous conference on Computer Science: OOPSLA 2007.
You can browser the album by clicking here.

I don't think my digital camera allows me to take better shots :-(

This image shows the engine of the DLH A340. I am over the ocean in this moment:

The engines are so fascinating...

The followings are a couple of landscapes I took approaching Montreal airport:


Nice colors.. Isn't it?

I would like to add two more funny pictures i took at Munich airport. Iwas on a Tuifly 737 ready for departure towards Cagliari, in Italy.
A snow storm finished a couple of minutes before leaving an incredibly blue sky.
Close to the runway the captain stopped for the deicying: I took the change to take a picture of the procedure from inside the cabin:


Impressive: all the passengers had their noses at the left windows!

And when the deicing finished, the surprise; the driver was a spotter!


Do you think it is possible to get a better position for a spotter?

Now, if you wish to look at the 2 albums, with all the pictures available in full resoulution just click on the links below:

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