I have decided to use openoffice to draw the panel. In fact the suite draw of openoffice allows to draw objects with several interesting features. For example it is possible to define custom objects, their positions, group and ungroup objects and so on. It is basically the free version of Microsoft PowerPoint. Another advantage of this tool is that it is possible to save in a great number of file formats.
The following picture shows the panel:

The panel is divided in 4 parts. From left to right, the first, the panel flood is composed of 3 switches to set the cockpit lights. The second part contains the three switches for the taxi lights; the third panel has the landing lights and the last panel has the switches for the external lights.
The real 767 and the LevelD panels are different from this one, for example taxi lights are below the flood panel. But I need a slim panel to locate over one of my monitor where I have around 5.5cm of available space.
The yellow parts are those that I need to cut to insert the switches.
Round switches will be standard ON/OFF switches of different sizes, for example the landing switches are bigger then the others.
Squared switches have a green LED on board that illuminate when the light is on.
The draw will be printed in a label and attached to a plexiglas panel. White chars and shapes will generate the retro illumination that at the present I plan to create by means of several white leds.
The panel is freely available: send me an email if you want to have your copy.
The real 767 and the LevelD panels are different from this one, for example taxi lights are below the flood panel. But I need a slim panel to locate over one of my monitor where I have around 5.5cm of available space.
The yellow parts are those that I need to cut to insert the switches.
Round switches will be standard ON/OFF switches of different sizes, for example the landing switches are bigger then the others.
Squared switches have a green LED on board that illuminate when the light is on.
The draw will be printed in a label and attached to a plexiglas panel. White chars and shapes will generate the retro illumination that at the present I plan to create by means of several white leds.
The panel is freely available: send me an email if you want to have your copy.
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